Designed to keep everything you need in one place; every Deluxe Emergency Rug Kit is packaged in a stylish and convenient grab bag.
The Deluxe Emergency Rug Kit, is a comprehensive collection of the safest spotting and stain removal solutions and tools available to consumers today, offering the perfect solution to be able to act quickly and safely to remedy most situations, without having to call in the professionals.
1 Insulated Grab Bag
500ml MicroSeal WonderSpot
250ml Final Rinse & Colour Stabiliser
100ml Surgical Spirit
100ml Isopropanol
1 MicroSeal Chamois Sponge
2 Terry Towels
Cotton Buds
Spoon Spatula
Disposable Vinyl Gloves
Measuring Beaker
1 Spotting Card
Stain Removal Guide
Deluxe Emergency Rug Kit
SKU: 001